Career Advice

Why Smart Job Seekers Avoid LinkedIn Easy Apply

June 21, 2024
3 min read

In today’s job market, efficiency and convenience are crucial for job seekers. LinkedIn Easy Apply is popular for its quick application process, but smart job seekers often avoid it. Here’s why opting for direct application forms over Easy Apply is more beneficial, and how JobWizard's autofill job application feature can enhance your job search.

The Downsides of LinkedIn Easy Apply

  1. Lack of Personalization: LinkedIn Easy Apply allows you to submit your resume with one click, but this convenience often means your application is not tailored to the specific job. This lack of customization can make your application appear generic and less appealing to hiring managers, who can easily spot these mass applications.
  2. Intense Competition: Because Easy Apply is so convenient, it leads to a high volume of applications. Employers receive an overwhelming number of applications through this feature, making it harder for any single application to stand out. As a result, your application might get lost in the crowd.
  3. Risk of Being Overlooked: Given the sheer volume of Easy Apply submissions, many employers prioritize applications submitted through their own websites or job portals. These applications often receive more attention because they are usually more detailed and demonstrate a higher level of effort and interest from the candidate.

Advantages of Applying Through Direct Forms

  1. Greater Customization: Applying through an employer’s application form allows you to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job description. This customization can highlight your relevant skills and experiences, making your application more compelling.
  2. Demonstrates Serious Interest: Taking the time to fill out a detailed application form shows employers that you are genuinely interested in the position. This effort can set you apart from those who rely solely on Easy Apply.
  3. Less Competition: Fewer applicants take the time to complete detailed application forms, which means your application is more likely to be carefully reviewed. This increases your chances of being noticed and selected for an interview.

How JobWizard Can Help

Despite the advantages of applying through direct forms, the process can be time-consuming. JobWizard’s autofill feature simplifies this process while maintaining application quality.

  1. Autofill Basic Information: JobWizard can automatically fill out basic information in application forms, such as your name, contact details, education, and work history. This saves time and ensures consistency across applications.
  2. Custom Cover Letters: JobWizard’s AI can generate customized cover letters based on the job description and your resume. This helps you create targeted application materials quickly and effectively.
  3. Keyword Optimization: JobWizard analyzes job descriptions to identify key terms and ensures these keywords are included in your resume and cover letter. This increases the likelihood that your application will pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and reach a human recruiter.

For more details on the six key features of JobWizard, check out our comprehensive JobWizard introduction blog.


While LinkedIn Easy Apply offers convenience, its drawbacks can hinder your job search success. Smart job seekers opt for direct application forms to showcase their dedication and tailor their applications. Using JobWizard’s autofill feature, you can streamline this process without sacrificing quality, enhancing your chances of landing your desired job.

In summary, choosing the right application method is crucial. By applying through direct forms and utilizing intelligent tools like JobWizard, you can stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of success in the job market.

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Job Application
Job Search Advice
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I am an operations manager at JobWizard, responsible for external operations and communication with users. I provide job search advice to help job seekers find their dream jobs.

June 21, 2024
3 min read