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- Achieving your dream job in the AI era
Career Advice
3 min read

Why Smart Job Seekers Avoid LinkedIn Easy Apply

LinkedIn Easy Apply lacks personalization and leads to high competition. Direct applications allow for better customization. JobWizard’s autofill job application streamlines this, enhancing ATS success.
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Career Advice
2 min read

Commemorating Juneteenth: Advancing Equality in the Workplace

On June 19th, Juneteenth National Independence Day commemorates the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans in Texas. Jobwizard leverages AI to support equal opportunities and diversity in the job market. Try our AI plugin for a more efficient job search.
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Career Advice
5 min read

Career Comeback: Transforming Rejection into Professional Success

This guide from JobWizard offers strategies to turn career rejections into professional success. It covers self-care, skill development, resume and cover letter improvements, and networking benefits. Embrace these methods to build resilience, confidence, and discover new career paths, turning setbacks into growth opportunities.
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